someone needed to worry since espresso wasn’t !! “ you say not to worry but I don’t see you worrying about it ” a soft pout before he reached for a bandaid. was he utterly insane ? he could name a million things that could happen if wounds were not taken care of and maybe he was being a little too emotional about the entire thing but he didn’t care. is your muse artistic? do they want to be?īEING HURT IN GENERAL WAS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED OVER – herb just couldn’t believe that the other wasn’t as concerned about the scratch on his face.does your muse have anyone they look up to?.what kind of first impression does your muse leave?.how strong is your muse’s survival instinct?.would your muse betray someone they love?.

how does your muse handle being lied to?.is your muse determined, or do they give up easily?.what is your muse’s moral code? what kind of morality do they have?.if your muse were a fantasy creature, what kind would they be? why?.is your muse religious? what do they believe in, if anything?.how self-sufficient is your muse? are they more independent, or do they need others around them?.is your muse generally flirty, or are they more reserved?.does your muse have imaginary friends? did they have any as a child?.is your muse afraid of failure? what do they do when they fail?.does your muse have many regrets? what are they?.does your muse know what they want? how well can they advocate for themselves?.is your muse comfortable in their identity? are they insecure or confident?.does your muse have any guilty pleasures or hobbies that make them embarrassed?.does your muse believe in true love? do they believe in love at all?.does your muse have any childhood friends or people that are important to them?.does your muse believe in luck? do they have a good luck charm or rituals they follow to avoid bad luck?.

Send in a symbol i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!